There are quite a few scenarios where intentionally recognizing income in order to pay more taxes now could actually save you taxes in the long run.
Read MoreWe have laid out some factors below to help guide you as you decide whether you should hire someone like us.
Read MoreHow long should you keep financial records and important documents?
Read MoreDespite the recent demise of Silicon Valley Bank and increased volatility, we are pleased to report that both U.S. and international stocks performed well as the U.S. continued to experience economic growth.
Read MoreWe believe there is an opportunity for proactive planning when it comes to RMDs for inherited IRA accounts, so we’ve come up with a case study to show why.
Read MoreWe’ve created a “one-pager” to summarize changes related to the RMD Rule.
Read MoreSome form of tax legislation has been passed almost every year since 2017, with the changes from Congress seeming to come faster and more furious than they have previously.
Read MoreIf used correctly, retirement calculators and projections can be very helpful in making financial decisions when you approach retirement or are already retired.
Read MoreIn late December Congress passed the Consolidate Appropriations Act, which also included the Secure 2.0 Act. Below are a few things that we have pulled from it that we think are worth highlighting.
Read MoreAs inflation pressure begins to ease, the economic outlook for 2023 depends a lot on how much the Federal Reserve further tightens monetary policy.
Read MoreWith rising LTC premiums, is a hybrid policy the best solution to protect against potential premium increases in the future?
Read MoreLearn the basics of personal financial planning from Eclectic's president, David Little. Saving, Investing, Insurance, Estate Planning, Taxes, & Retirement. This presentation was originally given to a local conference in March of 2022.
Read MoreWhat are the basics of estate planning? This podcast explains what you need to know. Austin Dillon, an estate planning attorney in Fullerton, California, originally recorded this interview in May of 2022.
Read MoreIf you’re one of the 66 million Americans receiving income from Social Security, look for an increase in your benefit starting in 2023.
Read MoreTo have a better shot of matching inflation, you may be thinking about investing in I Bonds – but is it worth doing?
Read MoreScams that target seniors have always been extremely common, but it feels like they have intensified over the last several years.
Read MoreThis episode is an update to an article by the same name that Russell Hall wrote a few years ago for Eclectic Associates. Russell is a 20-year veteran of financial planning and has particular expertise in taxes. He has written extensively on a variety of topics, and you can find those articles at our website under the Education tab.
Read MoreAlmost every industry has its own jargon, and financial services is no exception. At Eclectic Associates, we do our best to explain investing and financial planning in terms that are easier to understand…
Read MoreA new California law is going into effect which will soon require employers with 5 or more employees to offer a retirement plan. The registration deadline is June 30, 2022 for companies with 5-50 employees.
Read More“Are you tired of the stock market roller coaster? Protect your money from market decline while participating when the market goes up!”
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